Regina Glynn

Regina Glynn and Valerie O Sullivan at Textile and Paintings exhibition

Regina Glynn and Valerie O Sullivan at Textile and Paintings exhibition

Regina is a native of Mullingar, Co Westmeath. She qualified from Dun Laoghaire School of Art and Design, where she majored in sculpture and did her Principles of teaching in The National College of Art and Design. In 2011 she did a Masters in Art Education in the Crawford Art College, studying in particular, children with special needs.

Regina spent her first five years in Rathdowney Vocational School and then moved to Cork where she taught in Loretto Convent, Fermoy. Presently Regina is teaching in the Patrician Academy, Mallow.

During these years she has taught teenagers of all abilities and all ages. Every summer she has run an art summer camp for students from the age of six to fourteen.

Check out Regina on the Irish Times.

Cycling from Canada to Mexico – VSO Publications

Exhibition with Valerie O’ Sullivan



Early Years

Regina’s mother was always working with her hands whether that be crochet, creative embroidery, making beautiful dresses for herself, her four daughters or clothes for their dolls. She inherited from her mother a love of the arts. At a young age Regina attended art classes with May Raleigh and was encouraged to enter the “Texaco Art Competition” where she achieved a high recommendation for her paintings. Having demonstrated an interest in art, Regina was sent to secondary school (Our Ladies Bower, Athlone, Co. Westmeath) which had an excellent reputation for art. It was during these years and with the influence of her teachers that Regina’s skills were nurtured.

College Years

Her college years were spent in Dun Laoghaire School of Art and Design where she majored in sculpture, working in many mediums. Having received her diploma Regina transferred to the National College of Art and Design where she did her Principles of teaching. In 2009 – 2011 she did a Masters in Art Education in the Crawford Art College, studying and working in particular with children who had special needs.


As busy as Regina is teaching art she has always kept a hand in her own personal work. But it was while recovering from an illness in 2007-2008 that she started to devote more time to her own paintings and began work for her first exhibition.

Her works were displayed in the Court yard Gallery, Middleton, Co. Cork. This exhibition was inspired when she walked the Camino Way. Regina was so taken with the back gardens, streams, hens, scarecrows and the way in general that she had to recreate these colorful images on canvas.

Her second major exhibition was held in the County Buildings, in Mullingar, Co Westmeath. The inspiration for this exhibition came to her while cycling the roads of France and the highways and byways of Ireland, in particular Cork and Kerry. Over the many miles covered Regina saw many varieties of roadway flowers. She was able to capture the delicate textures of the pink petals on bindweeds, the dramatic color of the foxgloves and hydrangeas and the sculptural forms of the sea holly.