Puppet Show Lion King

The Patrician Academy transition year students presented the puppet show of the Lion King. The idea was conceived after a trip to the Point Theatre two years ago when the Art and Music Departments travelled to Dublin to see the show of the Lion King. October and November saw the students researching sketching and designing puppets, developing characters, sorting out movement, colours and types of puppets. The following were considered: rod, hand, glove puppets and giant puppet.

In November/December the puppets were constructed and finally the stage, curtains, sets, and props were all made. The music teacher Marie Holey has been diligently working with the musicians, voices, music, instruments, microphones, amplification and assisting Jeanette Madigan in adding their magic to the puppets. Construction students under the direction of Arthur Murphy have created the set and stage and hung the backdrops. The business students who have been assisted by Mrs. Elaine O Regan have been selling and marketing the show.

The show was fantastic with highlights being the dawn chorus, which included the rising of the sun, the flight of the most amazing colourful bird (created by the second years). The parade of the animals such as elephants, giraffes, gazelles, zebras and buffalos is a sight to behold. Scar, Samba, Nula, Zazu, Timon and Pumbaa add great movement and humour to the production. Finally watch out you don’t get run over by the stampede of the wildebeests (made by the resource class). Congratulations to all involved as it was a huge success.


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