Art and Music Tour, Dublin Castle and the Chester Beattie Library

On Wednesday the 15th of April Art and Music students visited Dublin Castle and the Chester Beattie Library and Museum. The treasures of the Library include some of the earliest sources on papyrus for the bible. The Biblical Papyri, dating from the second to the fourth century AD, consist of the earliest known copies of the four gospels and Acts of the Apostles, the Letters of St Paul, the Book of Revelation and various very early Old Testament fragments. Armenian and Western European manuscripts from medieval, Renaissance and modern times prints, early and fine books and bindings complete a remarkable record of the arts of manuscript production and printing. Guided tours were given to the students of the Library and Castle. The tour of the Castle was very informative on historic events that occurred in Dublin and we got a comprehensive report on the architecture and furnishing.
After lunch at the Stephens Green Shopping Centre we went to the Musical Jersey Boys. It was a wonderful show with lots of great songs and dance.

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