

The opening of the Patrician Academy’s Annual Art, Music and English presentation took place on Thursday 19th March, 2015 at 5.30pm in Mallow Library. Pascal Sweeney, an Environmental Consultant, officially opened the evening. The presentation was a celebration of African animals. A number of art fields were involved ranging from the music and animal puppets of the Lion King to an array of beautifully painted creatures by the art students. First and second year students wrote and presented their poems and paintings based on the animals and pollution. Congratulation to all the students for such a wonderful presentation of art, music and poetry.

Our thanks go to the teachers involved: Ms. Fitzpatrick, Regina Glynn who looked after the art, Marie Holey who was responsible for the music and Siobhan O’Donovan who coordinated the poetry. Thanks also to Mallow Library who as always provided the support and the venue.

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